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City of Eureka

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June 10, 2010


Article 1. City Elections

Article 2. Wards






6-101. CONDUCT OF ELECTION. The election of city officials shall be conducted in all respects as provided by the laws of Kansas governing the holding of city elections. (K.S.A. 25-2101 et seq.; Code 1993)

6-102. HOURS OF VOTING. At all city elections the polls shall be open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 7:00 p.m., unless different hours are set and publicly announced by the county election officer. (K.S.A. 25-2111, 26-206; Code 1993)


6-103. COMMENCEMENT OF TERMS OF OFFICE; OATH OF OFFICE. (a) The term of office for newly elected city officials shall commence with and include the first regular meeting of the governing body following certification of the election by the county election officer.

(b) Every person elected or appointed to city office, before entering upon the duties of such office, shall take

and subscribe an oath or affirmation as specified in K.S.A. 54-106, and amendments thereto, and every such oath or affirmation shall be filed with the city clerk.

(K.S.A. 25-2120; Code 2006)


6-104. GOVERNING BODY ELECTIONS. The governing body of the city shall consist of a mayor, elected at large and six council members. One council member shall be elected from each ward in the city and the remaining three council members shall be elected at large. The current mayor, or his or her duly appointed successor, shall continue to hold office until April 1999 at which time an election shall be held for the position of mayor for a four year term and succeeding elections for mayor shall be held every four years thereafter. In addition, the current commissioner of streets and public utilities, or his or her duly appointed successor, shall continue in office holding the position of council member at large until April 1999 when said position shall be subject to reelection for a four year term. In April 1997, an election shall be held for the remaining two positions of council member at large and for the three council members elected by ward. Council members at large elected in 1997 shall hold office for two years and commencing with the election held in April 1999 and each election thereafter each council member at large shall be elected for four years. Council members from each ward elected in April 1997 shall be elected for four year terms and such position shall be subject to reelection for succeeding four year terms upon conclusion of the preceding term. Elections shall be held on the first Tuesday of April of each odd numbered year.

(C.O. No. 11, Sec. 2; Code 1997, 6-103)




6-201. WARDS. The city is hereby divided in three wards to be styled and known as First Ward, Second Ward and Third Ward. (Code 1965, 1-701)


6-202. FIRST WARD. All that portion of the city lying south of Second Street shall constitute the First Ward. (Code 1965, 1-702)


6-203. SECOND WARD. All that portion of the city lying west of Main Street and north of Second Street shall constitute the Second Ward. (Code 1965, 1-703)


6-204. THIRD WARD. All that portion of the city lying east of Main Street and north of Second Street shall constitute the Third Ward. (Code 1965, 1-704)